
[Note the images depicted here are only sketches]

Augustine Michaela Caleb
[The Protagonist]

Believe it or not Augustine is a genius. He is smart but he doesn't like school or anything that's related to school. Book is his enemy and teacher is his foe. He is childish and doesn't give a care about his future. He hates growing up and want to stay as a child forever.

Age: 14
Like: Chess, playing.
Dislike: Adult, school.

"Is there a place children can forever stay as children? If there is, I would like to move to that place and live my entire life there."

- ♣ -

[The boy who lost his memory]

Augustine found Bishop in an alley when he was unconscious. Bishop is the name Augustine gave him. His background is pretty unknown since he has lost his memory and even forgot how to talk. He loves clinging on Augustine and hugging the little boy when they go to sleep.

Age: ? (Appears to be 14, 15)
Like: Augustine.
Dislike: ...?

"..." (Because apparently he doesn't know how to talk!)


Minor Character

[The protagonist's mother]

She is Augustine's mother. A generous and kind woman. She really worries about Augustine and wishes he will have a bright future. She loves him and try to teach him how to live his life the right way even though the way she teaches is a little bit too harsh for him that makes him hates her.


[The protagonist's father]

He's a busy man and hardly comes home. He's also a part of the reason why Augustine hates being an adult.

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